Saturday, 12 July 2014


The rain starts falling, then this heart starts raining... Rain is so loveable isn't it? it brings sweet memories, it brings peace, it makes my mind thinking about you in this lovely day...

Love is something that i can't explain as easy as math... not as easy while you were talking about lavoisier and newton with your smart minds...

In this age, everything is full of questions. I don't know where this life is going to take me.. Well, all we can do is enjoying present and prepare for a future, i hate uncertainty but yeah what can i do? I cant predict anything.

You said you're an alien. You came because your plane is going down on earth then you will be gone someday and left me.. You're a stranger, an alien. Then u said : "I'm waiting anything from you everyday, sometimes no need reason for love".

Ah sweetheart, what is love?